Rules of the studio:
- To apply and make an appointment for studio services or consult specialists, please contact us in advance: 20212191.
- We guarantee cozy and pleasant interior of the studio; professional, correct and friendly attitude towards clients and confidentiality.
-High-quality services in accordance with the highest international standards.
-We will develop your ideas or fantasies by choosing one of our services and find the best way to interpret the idea!
-Our studio guarantees health safety of clients, in accordance with the laws of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union.
-Modern and sterile equipment, disposable tools ink and materials are used and provided by the world’s best manufacturers.
-Tattoo masters know the structure of the skin, the basics of dermatology and in case of possible complications are ready to provide first aid to the client, as well as fully know the tattoo care procedures and are able to advise the client.
-Tattoo masters know how to draw perfectly and are ready to help in developing ideas and sketches. Only experienced and talented tattoo masters with relevant education are working in the studio.
- Our studio has a customer loyal pricing policy and all prices for provided services are discussed with the client in advance only.
- You can choose the size of the tattoo, the price or other services independently by looking in the “Prices” section on our website.
-The studio has a fixed price for sterile equipment, paints, disposable tools, processing of the selected drawing and its transfer to the skin: from 5.00 to 10.00 €. The payment is also fixed for the price of the gift cards provided by the studio and other.
- Consultations in the studio are free of charge.
- The payment for the service is done according to the terms of the service agreement.
- All disposable tools and equipment is used and opened only in front of the client.
- Before receiving the service, carefully read the safety rules of the studio.
-The term of providing a certain service and its price may vary depending on the complexity of the work performed, the time of execution, the number of color palettes, and the size of the tattoo..
- The scope of work, the price of the service and the deadlines are agreed with the master and the administrator of the studio.
- The price for creating an idea and a sketch for the next tattoo may start from 5.00 € and depends on the complexity of the sketch and the time spent on it. The paid sketch is the work of the master and is not issued to the client. The sketch is stored for 1 month and used at the discretion of the studio. The sketch is being photographed and completely belongs to the studio. Claims are accepted- neither material nor legal.
- The paid amount of the guarantee is included in the overall price of the service. If the Customer refuses the service - the amount of the guarantee will not be refunded. Claims of any kind, neither material nor legal, are not accepted.
- All prices for services are determined and paid before the provision of services. The information regarding the prices and discounts for all kinds of services are available either on the website or in the studio. The payment for services is made on the spot in cash or by bank transfer. We do not accept credit cards!
- Tattoo care products can be purchased in the studio.
- Young people under the age of 18 need permission from parents and their attendance for any kind of services except for the Henna and Jagua art service.
- Clients in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or psychotropic intoxication are not served.
- Before applying for a certain service, the studio employee is obliged to conduct a client survey, informing the client that it will be necessary to fill out a questionnaire and the information about the client in the questionnaire will be saved (e.g. name, surname, phone number), whether the client corresponds to one of the self-isolation or home quarantine groups and if the client does not have signs of a respiratory infection for the purposes of the epidemiological investigation, if necessary, the filled questionnaire must be kept until the end of the emergency.
- The salon must not be visited by people who have returned from abroad during the last 14 days or who have been in contact with such persons, a confirmation document must be filled in upon arrival at the salon.
The service provider has the right to refuse in the provision of the service if the client refuses to provide information or shows signs of a respiratory infection, or if the client must be in quarantine.
- It is forbidden to provide services at home or visit the client at his/her home.
- The workplaces in the studio are located at a distance of two meters from each other, in accordance with the established rules regarding the distance, the waiting room is separated from the place, where services are being provided. The service provider and the client must wear CE-marked medical masks, which must be changed after at least 2 hours.
- The studio provides all the necessary equipment for hand hygiene for both the provider and the client, including warm water, liquid soap, disposable hand dryers, and hand sanitizers containing at least 70% alcohol.
- Services are performed in disposable rubber gloves, which are also being disinfected, the service provider must still wash and disinfect hands, even if the service was provided in the disposable rubber gloves.
- The studio is being ventilated frequently. The working spot is being regularly disinfected with disinfectants effective against enveloped viruses.
We recommend you carefully read all our recommendations!
All suggestions and recommendations are time-tested. You can consult the artist if you are not sure about that.
* Before starting the procedure, you will be introduced to the safety rules for your health in our studio.
*After the tattoo is done, the artist will inform you about the care rules for the tattoo.
*After the tattoo is done, the artist will clean the tattoo and apply a medical protective film the area, where the tattoo is done, which must be removed after 4-5 days - we do not recommend keeping it any longer.
* When the protective film is removed, the tattoo should be thoroughly washed with warm water and alkali-free soap.
* You can use the special cream on the tattoo area (you can buy an allergen-free tinting cream in our studion, which is designed specifically for tattoo care and faster healing, preserving colors and tones as much as possible).
* Many tattoo artists and studios recommend using ointments: Bepanten 5%, Bepanten Plus, Panthenol, Solceseril.
* However, it should be noted that all these ointments heal wounds, scratches and scars, since they are used to remove germs or dirt from the wound.
*Pigments in tattoo ink are also considered foreign bodies in our skin and the above ointments make the tattoo lighter, and when applying a colored tattoo, be careful not to use these creams, because the color may completely disappear.
* When washing the first 4-5 days, use a shower and slightly warm water, before washing, apply cream or petroleum jelly to the tattoo site, after washing, do not rub with a towel, but dry with a napkin or paper towel.
* We recommend using the cream more often on the first day - on average every 1.5-2 hours, apply a thin layer to the tattoo site, the tattoo should not remain dry - it should be elastic, otherwise the skin will not soak in the oxygen during healing, which, in turn, will prolong the healing process and damage the tattoo.
Tattoo scabs should not be soaked.
The tattoo should not be scratched or torn off - this will damage the tattoo and cause inflammation of the skin.
* We recommend washing the tattoo at least a couple of times a day.
* You should not wear tight clothing that may stick to the tattoo during the healing process. It is recommended to wear comfortable and loose cotton clothing that will not chafe the tattoo.
** When choosing clothing, do not wear light-colored clothing that comes into contact with the surface of the tattoo, because the pigment may damage the clothing.
* Do not put gauze or film on the tattoo site - the skin must have free access to oxygen.
** Usually a tattoo heals in an average of 5-8 days, but it takes 2-3 weeks for a tattoo to fully heal.
* The more carefully you take care of it, the faster and better it will heal, and after healing it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the skin for faster skin regeneration.
* To maintain the color and vibrancy of your tattoo for a long time, you should always take care to use a skin protection cream when you are under the sun.
Taking care of piercing
- The standard procedure for washing a superficial piercing is to superficially remove the lymph from the jewelry. The piercing must be carefully looked after during healing. The piercing must be washed at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Use an impregnated cosmetic cotton swab or napkin to clean the jewelry from the released blood plasma and lymph.
- We recommend Furasol or Humer saline solutions (1 teaspoon per glass of water) or eye lens solution. Do not peel off the crust with your nails from the jewelry. To remove the coagulated blood, use a swab with the above-mentioned solutions for 5-10 minutes. At the first stages of the healing process, it is NOT recommended to stretch or turn the jewelry for 5-7 days and all the recommendations of the master must be followed.
- General recommendations of taking care for all types of oral piercing.
- To take care of mouth piercing, any antiseptic mouthwash containing chlorhexidine must be used, the mouth must be rinsed after each meal several times a day (1 teaspoon per glass of water).
Contraindications when the procedure cannot be performed.
Diabetes in the stage, when injections of insulin are needed.
Diseases associated with blood incoagulation.
Somatic diseases.
Diseases of acute inflammation.
Keloid scars prone to keloidosis.
Permanent makeup usually does not cause thickening of the skin or scar tissue because the level of skin damage does not extend beyond the top layer of the skin. In this case, the incidence of keloids is very low, and even with the slightest mistake in micropigmentation technology or improper care during skin healing (trying to peel off the scab before it falls off, etc.), the chances of developing keloids are 10 times higher.
Oncological diseases of unknown etiology
Psychiatric disorders
Relative contradictions:
Increased blood pressure. If the client has arterial hypertension, it is recommended to measure the pressure before the service and, if necessary, use special drugs to reduce the blood pressure.
The service is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. The procedure cannot be carried out in the first, second and third trimesters, as well as during lactation, but only with the permission of the doctor (painkillers cannot be used).
Allergic reactions.
Before the procedure, both analgesics and color pigments should be applied.
In the area of the inflammatory disease where the procedure will be performed.
Herpes virus in the acute stage
Alcoholic or drug intoxication.
Permanent makeup, or micropigmentation, is a technique in which a color/pigment applied to the top layer can highlight or enhance your natural beauty.
Latvian women have a pronounced shape of the eyebrows, and light eyelashes and the natural color of the lips is pale. As a result, we use much more cosmetics every day than, for example, Hispanic women with expressed bright eyebrows and lips.
Therefore, permanent makeup is a perfect choice for women who want to:
Highlight your natural beauty;
treat facial asymmetry;
minimize the appearance of scars;
Allergies to cosmetics (eg, mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow);
If contact lenses are used;
If you have hair loss on your eyebrows or eyelashes after a certain illness or chemotherapy.
From basic to more complicated things
In the past, permanent makeup was done in the form of a simple design of eyes, lips, or eyebrows. Now fashion is a more natural thing and makeup is becoming more ordinary. As a result, contours become less visible, and permanent makeup enhances natural beauty. It is no longer relevant to only draw the contour of the lips. It is enough to cover the lips with gloss every day to look great. Also, with the eye line, the dotted upper eyelid line between the lashes gives the impression that the lashes are thick. The color tone is selected for each client individually depending on their skin type, hair and eye color, as well as the client’s wishes. If the client wants to have brighter makeup, then the master must evaluate whether it will look vulgar and together find the most suitable makeup variant. The procedure is not recommended: During pregnancy, lactation; During menstruation; With local dermatitis; In the acute stage of the herpes virus; Scar stabilization stage; During a course of chemo/radiotherapy; During the course of laser therapy / epilation; During the acid peel procedure.
Pain during the procedure
The pain threshold is felt very individually during the procedure. To avoid pain, the procedure is not recommended during or a few days before menstruation. Before the procedure, an anesthetic cream is used on the skin to numb it.
Makeup resistance
Color fastness depends on the color, device used during the procedure, skin characteristics and how a client takes care of the skin. The permanent makeup will stay longer on older people. Young people have a more active metabolism, so make-up disappears faster. However, makeup can last from two to five years.
When choosing lip micropigmentation, you need to be prepared. Tablets containing acyclovir (Gerpelan), for example, should be taken 3 days before the procedure and continue for 5 more days. This will prevent the provocation of the herpes virus.
Care after the procedure
Do not visit baths and saunas for about 2 weeks after the procedure. It is not recommended to sunbathe and visit solariums for at least a few days because UV (Ultraviolet) radiation destroys paint 4 times faster.
Disadvantages of permanent makeup
No matter how beautiful this makeup looks, remember that it cannot be removed like lipstick if the client got tired of it after a while. Therefore, it is worth thinking seriously about micropigmentation of the lips. There is always a risk that the paint may not absorb properly and therefore the procedure must be repeated. Myths or truth about permanent makeup Does alcohol help you not feel pain? No, this is a myth, because alcohol dilates the blood vessels and you will be more sensitive during the procedure, and there will be a higher risk of capillary bleeding. Will my eyebrows be shaved? Myth! If you are told that you need to shave your eyebrows before the procedure, most likely this master does not outline the shape of the eyebrows himself, but works with ready-made eyebrow templates. Our faces are all different; they often can be asymmetrical. Makeup will look more natural if the master leaves as many natural hairs on the eyebrows as possible and the shape of the eyebrows is as close to natural as possible.
Do I have to make black eyebrows?
Myth! If the master tells you that he/she only dyes eyebrows in black and dark brown colors, then most likely the studio bought 2 eyebrow dyes, thus saved money. There is a high probability that the paints will be chemical, because they are three times cheaper than natural ones.For some time after the procedure, you will not notice any difference, but over time, the eyebrows may change color, and turn blue or even purple.
Is a tattoo at a tattoo studio different from permanent makeup if I want black eyebrows?
Myth! Tattoo studios use equipment that injects pigment into a much deeper layer of skin than equipment for permanent makeup. The ink used for tattoo stays on the skin forever. A face tattoo can leave scars on the skin.
Will I have bigger lips after the procedure?
Lips with permanent makeup cannot be physically enlarged. This is done with the help of special injections of implants. Permanent makeup can minimally emphasize the lip line. Lips will appear larger if the inner part is highlighted with a lighter tone of pigment.
Will I be able to see people after the procedure?
After the procedure, the skin will heal and the scab will fall off within three to seven days. The reaction to the procedure is very individual. Some will be able to visit in the evening and there will be no redness, others will see swelling and redness for another 3 days. If you have very sensitive skin and always have redness, even after plucking, we recommend you to have the procedure before the holidays so that you can stay at home for a few days if necessary.
Will the form, which the master will create for me, remain the same?
Definitely. Before the procedure, ask the master to show you what form he/she created for you. Only after seeing the form you tell whether you like it or not. If necessary, you can change the shape and color. Such decisions may cause additional costs for the procedure.
Permanent makeup inks are used to create tattoos on the body.
- The most important aspect in taking care of Henna and Jagua drawings is to remove (scrape, wash with water) the paste before going to bed. Otherwise, the drawing can be damaged and leave stains on other parts of the body and clothes.
- Jagua drawings dry a little longer than Henna drawings, so when a client is tended to visit our studio for Henna and Jagua art service, he/she must plan to spend approximately 2 hours in the studio or plan his/her activities so that the drawing could dry without contacting with clothes, other body parts, etc.
- When scraping off the henna (after it dries), the residue can be washed off with lemon juice; after smearing the pattern with vegetable oil, the drawing will become more intense and darker within 2 days.
- On the first day after receiving the service, the drawing should not contact with water.
- Additional care is not required.
- The drawing remains on the skin for 1 to 3 weeks, depending on skin type, and the body part, where the drawing was applied (the drawing remains slightly longer on the arms and legs).
The best way to determine the price of a tattoo is to personally consult with the master in the studio by discussing all the details and nuances.
All the prices are in the "PRICES" section and they can help to calculate at least an approximate price for a certain tattoo, but the exact price can only be determined on the spot, since it consists of several nuances:
theme and details of the tattoo;
place on the body;
the degree of complexity;
all the necessary colors;
the duration of the session;
gift cards offered by the studio;
There are many tattoo artists who are not registered in the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, without proper education, without an annual medical examination (hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis) and they will gladly make a tattoo "cheaply", "at home", etc. As a result, you get what you pay for: e.g. poor-quality ink and skill of the master, not to mention health.
As the long-term experience of our studio shows, after such an experiment with your skin and health, you will go to certified tattoo artists and make them cover or correct a tattoo, performed by a such tattoo artist.
Of course, even tattoos of the worst quality can turn into a piece of art in our studio, because the most important thing in this process for our studio is the quality of the work itself and the safety of the client’s health. Each tattoo created in our studio is considered a unique work of art, which will be with you for life.
How to choose a tattoo?
If you have decided to get a tattoo, remember that the choice itself is a very important and responsible step. You need to be far-sighted and think about your future feelings after the procedure is done, because it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible to change something if you made the wrong choice.
We hope that some of the next suggestions from our studio will help you choose an idea and make a decision, as well as give a better insight about tattoos:
* Almost all sketches can be developed individually in our studio: from the simplest drawings to the more complex compositions.
* You can develop ideas from moments of your life.
* Life events and milestones in your life and the lives of close people can serve as options.
* When choosing a tattoo, your life goals and future plans play an important role. The method or motto of achieving them can also be depicted on the tattoo.
* A set of things that characterize you, your character can serve as the basis for creating an image for a tattoo.
*Alternatively, before getting a tattoo, it is recommended to find examples of tattoos - a huge range of tattoos, photos and your sympathies for bodies and things in the world are available nowadays, including fauna, flora, architecture, automotive technology, industrial environment, ornaments, symbols, texts, religion, etc. can be a good basis for a tattoo.
* Show the examples to our tattoo artist and tell us what you want, from each picture to the smallest detail - our tattoo artists will work with you to develop a tattoo idea and prepare a tattoo sketch.
* If you find the search on the Internet a complicated process * If searching for a tattoo picture on the Internet seems complicated to you, it will be easier to understand what kind of tattoo you want to do and find pictures or drawings with the help of our tattoo artist.
* Even if you are not completely sure about the desired tattoo design, feel free to come to our studio and we will help you find a solution - the consultation is free!
* We do not recommend choosing an existing tattoo. It is unlikely that you want to have a tattoo that someone else already has, but if you really do like the idea of the tattoo- it is also not a big problem for us - we will draw and make it much more beautiful due to changes in details, shading, etc., which in turn will make your chosen tattoo a unique work of art created just for you.
* To summarize all of the above, and if you have thought well about what a tattoo means to you, its role in your life, and what exactly you want to see, it will be much easier for our tattoo studio to find or create the right design just for you.
We encourage you to take a look at the works of our studio in the "GALLERY" section.
P.S. Before choosing a tattoo artist or studio, carefully analyze all the offers and the only thing that matters is the work of the tattoo artist. Unfortunately, you often come across the fact that a beautiful tattoo picture is taken from the Internet and someone is over-attributing the work as his/her “masterpiece”. It is cheap to get a tattoo at home in the kitchen - we recommend that you refuse such offers so as not to live with a damaged tattoo and do not even contact with such a “master”.
Does the process of tattooing hurt?
- Each person has their own pain threshold.
- Pain is a relative concept: for some people, the process of tattooing may really hurt; some clients may even fall asleep during the session because they don't feel pain
- Psychologists state, that pain is felt when a person thinks about it a lot. When you are about to have a tattooing session, do not think, that the process will be painful and stay calm.
- Of course, the process itself is painful, but not that significantly.
- Generally, the culture of tattooing is closely connected with pain, because the result is impossible without feeling pain. Those who decide to get a tattoo, consciously overcome this threshold, thereby also testing themselves.
-If we see that the client is frightened, we do not start or continue the session.
- At the request of the client, it is possible to use painkillers during the session.
- 24 hours before the procedure, it is not recommended to:
-Sunbathe and visit the solarium;
-Use vasodilators (alcohol, aspirin, tramadol, etc.)
- Use cosmetics, perfumes, alkaline soap in the area, where a tattoo will be applied.
-Drink stimulating drinks (strong tea, coffee, alcohol, energy drinks).
-do not visit the sauna, bath, solarium;
-swim in the pool, pond, river, lake, sea;
-drink fermented alcoholic drinks (beer, wine, champagne, kvass, etc.);
-prolonged exposure to the sun (with a tattoo on the open spot of the body);
-the treated area should not be scratched, torn or rubbed before it will be completely healed. This will affect the healing process and may lead to a change in the drawing.
-soak in a hot bath
-sweat a lot
-avoid intense sports.
-All the recommendations must be followed..
Proper nutrition is also important.
*Seafood, very spicy and salty foods should be avoided at least 3-4 days in advance.
Important to know!!
Contraindications for providing the service
Relative contraindications -Increased blood pressure. If the client has arterial hypertension, it is recommended to measure the pressure before the service and, if necessary, use special drugs to reduce the blood pressure. -The service is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.
-Various allergic reactions. In this case, an allergen test should be performed to find out how the body will react to the painkillers and pigments, which will be used during the tattooing session. -Inflammatory diseases (during an exacerbation of the disease) in the body area where the tattoo will be applied. -Dermatitis, skin diseases, inflammation - in such cases, it is necessary to receive a treatment course from a dermatologist. -Herpes virus in the acute stage. Antiviral therapy is required. -Alcoholic shock and even death can be caused by the influence of alcohol, drugs or psychotropic substances. -To predisposition to inflammatory diseases.
Absolute contraindications:
-Allergy to pigment
-Diabetes in the stage, when injections of insulin are needed
-Diseases associated with blood incoagulation
-Somatic diseases
-Diseases of acute inflammation
-Keloid scars prone to keloidosis
-Psychiatric disorders
-Unknown etiology, various tumors in the area, where a tattoo will be applied
Tattoo history
It is difficult to say exactly when people first began to decorate their bodies with various kinds of ornaments, drawings, but it is definitely known that the history of tattoos dates back at least 30,000 years.
The tattoo served not only as an ornament, but also as a sign of the clan and tribe, indicated the social status of its wearer and, also endowed its wearer with a certain magical power.
Tattoos became an identification mark that stated membership to a specific tribe and its attributes. It also displayed the wearer’s social status within the said tribe. Tattoos were believed to grant the bearer magical powers.
The reasons for the tattoo are also unclear. According to one theory, this was due to accidentally injured skin. Scars and hemorrhages merged into various scars, marking their owners as brave warriors and successful hunters of the prehistoric tribes of that time.
Various types of tattoos were found in practice in many countries where light-skinned peoples lived. On the other hand, in places where dark-skinned peoples lived, tattoos scarred more than applied on the body.
Tattoos were also used to distinguish between the tribes of Europe and Asia, and like the Indians of South and North America, the skill was passed down from generation to generation, providing the basis for good anthropological evidence of the social significance of tattoos in antiquity time. Almost the whole life of these people is connected with tattoos in their own way, from birth to death, and it is difficult for them to find a place on their body that the master of tattoo art would not work on.
The face is the calling card of every person, and what we see in a person in the first place, as a rule, his decoration is the most necessary and it had to be done first. New Zealand major Major got tattoos on his face in the form of masks – “Moko”. These particularly elaborate tattoos on the top of his head also served as war face paint, emphasizing his masculinity, and the tattoos played a role in emphasizing his leadership, place in society and superiority over others. Tattoos on the face, in which case the killer gains dignity and respect, in which case the head is cut off and kept in the tribe as a relic, and the rest of the body is torn by predators. A head with a Moko tattoo testified to the courage and strength of the tribe’s warriors.
Moko face tattoos were very individual, they could not be found anywhere else in the world, so they were often used as their signature. The English missionaries found an efficient way to use Moko’s drawings instead of signatures to buy land so that the deal could not be challenged.
Japanese aboriginal women gave tattoos of the Ainu on the face a special meaning, characteristic of their marital status. By the decorations on her lips, forehead, cheeks, it was possible to determine whether a woman was innocent or married, if so, how old and how many children she had, and whether she was a widow. Similarly, in many other countries and nations, the decorations on the bodies of women in the population indicated whether she was a virgin or not. However, in many countries, tattoos on the female body have already reached the limits of miscarriage, for example, in the Nukuro tribe, children born to a woman who did not have any tattoos were killed immediately after birth.
Tattoos are also associated with rebirth, transformation and transition into another body. For example, the transformation of a young boy into a strong and powerful man. As well as the transition from this life to the afterlife. A striking example is the tribe of Diaka, from the island of Borneo, who believed in the local paradise “Apo-Kezio”, when everyone is reborn with much better qualities, when the dark becomes light, the bad becomes good, the bitter becomes sweet, so everyone from Diaka was tattooed mostly black, because they hoped for change and self-improvement after death, based on the fact that black becomes white – so they themselves are better. And also white tattoos will become lighter and shine in the paradise of Apo Kezio. Without any tattoos there would be no light and a person without them would not know where to go after death.
In every country, every nation had all kinds of tattoos with different meanings and explanations. For example, many tattoos freed children and protected them from parental hatred, as well as tattoos that protected them from going to battle, helped them in hunting, brought them good luck, and protected them from diseases.
However, it should also be mentioned that tattoo magic was used not only in the tribes and in very ancient, wild times. In the 17th and 19th centuries, British sailors depicted large ornaments and drawings on their backs, hoping to protect them from various injuries and deformities. In practice, such tattoos were found only in the English fleet. In the Arab world, those people whose bodies were decorated with tattoos with quotations from the Koran had the greatest protection.
Of course, there were cases when tattoos could put the owner in an awkward position. As well as the inability to integrate into society because of them. There were cases when the tattoo served as the basis for the punishment of its owner, and the tattoo was also a sign of receiving punishment or committing a crime. In the Japanese province of Chukuden, from 1603 to 1867, a black horizontal line was drawn on the offender’s forehead as punishment for the first crime, and another line was added for each subsequent crime. If the offender committed many crimes, the word “inu” appeared on his forehead from these lines – which meant – a dog.
In ancient China, too, one of the five classical forms of punishment was tattooing the guilty person. Because in this way, if the criminal managed to escape from prison, he could be found easily by with the help of these tattoos. The Greeks and Romans also used such tactics for criminals. Soon after, Spanish travelers introduced the practice to Mexico and Nicaragua. In ancient Europe, the tattoo was common among the Greeks and Gauls, the British, French, Germans and Russians.
The Orthodox used specially designed stamps and seals to create tattoos. These special ornate presses were used to evenly cover the entire body with a patterned sieve, and in rare cases were used in various magical rituals to create the offspring of a cult.
With the spread of Christianity, even the simplest tattoos were brutally eradicated as an integral part of the language ritual and practically died out. Tattoos were really not practiced by Europeans until the 18th century. The infamous James Cook made the biggest contribution to tattooing in Europe. Returning from the voyage, he brought from Tahiti not only the word “tattoo”, but also “Grand Omai”, a tattooed Polynesian which became a sensation; the first live tattoo; a gallery. From now on, not a single self-respecting performance, exhibition or circus of the lost could do without a “labeled savage”.
At the end of the century, Aboriginal fashion fell dormant, replaced by Americans and Europeans. For example, Ladybug Viola walked with portraits of six American presidents, Charlie Chaplin and many other celebrities who have excited the public of our age. Although the audience looked with pleasure at the painted circus artists, they were in no hurry to tattoo themselves. These were sailors, miners, pilots and so on. Advantage. They used it as symbols of brotherhood or solidarity and faith in tradition.
During World War I, the letter “D” was tattooed on deserters in Britain, and during World War II, concentration camp prisoners were numbered in Germany. All this reduced the artistic value of the tattoo.
The stingy fantasy and dubious tastes of the main clients led to a limited “repertoire” of tattoos: marine themes, dubious and sentimental banal aphorisms. No matter how unfortunate the fact is, humanity has turned ancient art into cheap consumer goods. Since there was no demand for a decent production of bold tattoos, there was no incentive to develop artistic and new styles. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Europe and America followed the standard of simple, uncomplicated images.
And only due to the strong growth of the youth culture of the 50-60s. In the 1930s, a new generation of tattoo artists emerged, with artistic ambitions and bold experiments that brought tattoos back into art. They widely adopted traditional images from the Far Eastern, Polynesian, Indian culture, creating new styles, trends and schools.
This marked the beginning of a new, modern stage in the millennial art of tattooing.
Tattoo styles
Maori are the most prominent representatives of the Polynesian tattoo style. In fact, there was a great revival of the culture of traditional Maori tattoos. The Maori tattoo originated over a thousand years ago in New Zealand. Their meaning can be the broadest – as a document proving identity, status, genealogy, as well as the right to marry. Basically, Maori tattoos symbolize beauty and wildness.

Japanese irezumi and kanji tattoo styles are very popular nowadays. Tattoos made in this style are among the most detailed, so they take a lot more time to complete. For example, a traditional “body kit” tattoo (including arms, back, upper legs, and chest) may require several years of visiting a tattoo studio every week. This is why many people prefer to apply one motif, such as Japanese carp, only on the back of the shoulder blade.

Kanji are among the most popular after a recent survey regarding tattoos. This tattoo is a symbol of Japanese writing with some meaning. If you want to convert a word, sentence, or saying into kanji characters, you should only consult a professional Japanese speller to avoid misunderstandings.

Haida tattoos – the name comes from the word “hideri” which means “people”. From the same name as the Haitian tribe. It is considered one of the oldest communities in the New World. Haida is originally from the west coast of North America but is politically recognized near Canada. The Haidu language still exists, but is endangered to disappear and may be used for tattoos. The Haida culture will not be forgotten, thanks to them.

Celtic is another tattoo style that is thousands of years old. At first, the Celts practiced their craft in creating intricate works of art on metal jewelry and weapons. After that, they began to transfer their articles to a person with the help of a tattoo. Much of the Celtic tattoo design is taken from the Book of Kells written in Latin by their monks. They have many tattoos in the form of knots, which symbolize the eternal circle of death and rebirth.

Borneo-rich traditions of tattoos, which goes back to the world’s third largest island of Borneo. If the earlier tribal-style tattoos were the members of the status of a sign, but now they have become more decorative.

Religious tattoos, reflecting the wearer’s spiritual and religious beliefs, have become increasingly popular. This theme is often chosen as the first tattoo and includes the hearts of saints, images of Jesus or his mother Mary, illustrations of a Buddha or a Hindu god.

Tribal is a very common tattoo style that, like most styles, originated in ancient tribes. The name itself also means tribal tattoo. Historically, these tattoos were used in rituals as a young person entering adulthood. If, for example, a girl could not bear the pain of a tattoo, then she could not get married because she would not be able to cope with the pain of having a child. On the other hand, if the boy could not cope with the pain, it was believed that he would also be a bad soldier, which means that he could be isolated from the tribe.

Gothic is a style closely associated with music, but not only with gothic as a subculture itself. Most rock, metal musicians and musicians have such tattoos. The unifying thread is the themes of skulls, love and death.

American classics or old school – still relevant, the so-called old school tattoos, which are distinguished by a simple pattern with clear outlines. Classic designs are popular – symbols of the armed forces, pin-up girls, hearts and other designs wrapped with ribbons, with a name, a sentence or a special date.